We’re excited to share a recent enhancement to the 43Leads hosted web forms platform. Now 43Leads offers native support for photos and videos taken in real time on the iPhone. This platform extension has been rolled out and is available to all accounts. That means users can take a video or capture a photo on their phone at the moment when the website form asks for it, making the user experience seamless and easy. Why Is Media Uploading an Important Feature for Website Forms? Many small … [Read more...]
Contact Form Fields - Blog Posts by Tag
Are Database Backups Critical to Your Lead Capture Process?
Typical contact form solutions work like this: a potential customer visits your website and makes their way to the contact page, they fill out the required contact form fields, and click to submit their information. The form then triggers your web server to take those completed form fields, wrap them up in an email message, and send that message to the email address you’ve specified. It might go to you, the owner of the company, or the person in sales and marketing. Where it goes specifically is … [Read more...]
Contact Form Fields for Small Businesses. Less is Always Better?
Our experience, coupled with click-through statistics and best practice, shows that businesses experience better results with contact forms when fewer form fields are used, at least in terms of getting visitors to complete the form. Many small business contact forms include just these basic form fields: … [Read more...]