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Client Stories

Small Business Owners Love 43Leads

Industrial Software Company

This client operates in a very niche industry, where each lead can be the beginning of a long term, lucrative relationship. Because their products are so specialized, they only receive one or two leads per month through their website, but missing those opportunities would be fatal to their business. With 43Leads, they enjoy instant database backup that allows them to access the logs anytime they want to double-check that nothing was missed.

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Featured Articles

Want to Automatically Qualify Your Website Leads? 43Leads Now Supports In-session Lead Qualification

The 43Leads platform was created with small businesses in mind, and was designed to specifically address the form submission types, website traffic profiles, and data retention requirements of small, nimble organizations. To that end, we’ve added a new set of functionality that provides automated lead qualification within our hosted contact forms and lead capture pages.

What’s Automated Lead Qualification?

Simply put, our lead qualification mechanisms can be added to any 43Leads hosted form and provide an automated way for a user’s information to be filtered out when appropriate. Based on the information provided by users, our system determines if they are a lead worth keeping or if they should be filtered out. Here’s how it works. Based on criteria you provide, the system determines if the user’s submitted information meets your minimum requirements and is a good fit for the services you provide. If it’s a good lead, we store the information and notify you . . . Read More »